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Dental Implants

A secure and lasting solution.

Replacing your missing teeth with dental implants offers you the chance to live your life as if you had never suffered from missing teeth. When your dental implant treatment is complete, you should be able to chew, speak and socialize without experiencing the negative emotions that having missing teeth can sometimes cause.

Each implant features an artificial root, the post and a crown. A few implant posts can secure a bridge, partial or denture. Cared for properly, dental implants can last a lifetime.

How we can help: Implant roots (the posts) are made of biocompatible material, such as titanium. Surgically inserted into the sockets left by missing teeth, these man-made tooth roots are accepted by the body. The jaw bone integrates with the roots to create replacements for natural teeth roots. On top of a dental implant post, your dentist can secure a single restoration (crown) or a prosthetic appliance.

Often, denture patients who suffer from slipping or loose appliances turn to dental implants for optimal stability. Dental implants require no adhesives, suction, clasps, or crowned support teeth to stay in place. They are a lasting solution that improves quality of life through rejuvenated oral function and appearance. Dental implants also maintain jaw bone that would otherwise deteriorate if dental implants were not placed.

3d Guided Implantology

At Liberty Park Dental, we are dedicated to providing the best treatment using state-of-the-art technology. With 3D guided dental implants and Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramic (CEREC), we offer our patients permanent dental implant replacement teeth in just two visits. The 3D imaging technology allows Dr. Dixson to get an accurate representation of your bite that can be digitally transferred to a computer screen. He will use the digital images to plan your treatment, create your customized replacement tooth or teeth using CEREC technology, a surgical guide for the placement of each implant, and you’ll be able to see it all on the chairside monitor.

In the past, placing an implant took numerous visits for tooth preparations, implant placement, crown or denture placement, and often several follow up visits. Our 3D guided implant process saves you time, and makes the procedure safer and more efficient. Traditionally, dental implants are titanium posts placed below the gums using a static, 2 dimensional x-ray image of your teeth and jaws.

Using a digital impression, our CEREC integrated process designs your custom replacement tooth, and a surgical guide that Dr. Dixson will use to place the dental implant post exactly where he planned to. Most unsuccessful implant procedures occur because the post does not fuse with the jawbone to provide support. This can happen for any number of reasons, but the best way to avoid complications is to ensure your implant is optimally placed for jawbone fusion and to support your replacement teeth. Our 3D guided implants allow Dr. Dixson to do just that.

If you’ve considered dental implants in the past but changed your mind because you worried the procedure might be unsuccessful, using 3D guided implant technology has a 97% success rate. Don’t live with missing teeth or replacement teeth that don’t look or feel like your own, 3D guided dental implants from Liberty Park Dental will put a smile back on your face.

Liberty Park Dental wants to help you with all your dental needs. For more information, please schedule an appointment with Dr. James J. Dixson, and we will be in touch with you shortly.